
TRiCERA is a largest online art market place in Asia.
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Artist Name: Chizuko Ninomiya
Artist URL:

Title of Artwork: sha256_test_01.mp4
About Artwork: This is a video work that uses the hash function SHA-256, which is also used in the blockchain technology of cryptographic assets (virtual currency), a similar entity to NFT, to find the hash value of the author's near image.
In the case of cryptographic assets, the transaction data, the hash value of the previous block, and the nance value, these three values are combined and input into a hash function to calculate the hash value. This hash value is the joint that connects the block to the block.
The author's own image is input into the hash function as a metaphor for personal information wandering in electronic space.
It has a meta-structure that visualizes a part of the mechanism that realizes blockchain technology and puts it on the blockchain (NFT). Incidentally, the program being executed is also created by the author.

*Copyright NOT included, only ownership of this artwork.