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fast food

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Artist Name: sanzou daidaiya
Artist URL:

Title of Artwork: fast food
About Artwork: While the definition of digital and analog is clear in terms of information processing, it is difficult to draw a clear line in art, but in this work, I went back and forth between my own digital and analog work in the process of creating it. In addition, even though the world is changing rapidly with the progress of digitalization, Andy Warhol's "mass production" is included as a universal theme that is still being discussed, and in today's world, the "SDGs" are a set of common global goals that include not only "economy" but also "hunger", "poverty"," and "health". Today, it is an important theme that relates to many of the SDGs, including "economy", "hunger", "poverty", and "health".

*Copyright NOT included, only ownership of this artwork.